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The ever-increasing liability exposures within medical offices and hospitals have created insurance needs separate from the professional liability offered by Medical Assurance Company of Mississippi. The solution is MACM Insurance Services. Coverage for hospitals and hard-to-place individual practitioners continue to be a need met by MACM Insurance Services through its professional liability segment. Medical offices today are exposed to risk associated with personnel and management issues, Medicare/Medicaid fraud and abuse, HIPAA violations, and more; MACM Insurance Services has products to match these needs.
As various companies introduce new and beneficial lines of insurance to the health care industry, our agents will seek to analyze and offer these unique products to our clients.
Employment Practice Liability
Like other industries, the healthcare arena must be conscious of risks associated with handling personnel issues. Coverage is provided for the entity when claims are brought by past, present, and potential employees. Third-party coverage is also available. The policy is designed to protect against these common allegations: discrimination in the hiring process, failure to promote, sexual harassment, and wrongful termination.
Insurance that covers alleged wrongful acts arising from the employment process.
Directors & Officers Liability
Individuals who serve on a Board of Directors or as a corporate officer risk their personal assets while attempting to uphold their fiduciary duty to the organization. Both your personal assets and those of the organization can be protected by a Directors and Officers Liability policy, if properly tailored to meet your needs. This claims-made policy includes coverage for allegations of breach of fiduciary duties, negligent credentialing, and employment-related issues.
Insurance that provides protection for the directors and officers of an organization in case of a claim against them in conjunction with the performance of their duties relative to the organization.
Hospital Professional & General Liability
With the limited number of carriers who write hospital professional liability insurance in Mississippi, many hospital administrators are faced with the decision to either pay exorbitant premiums or to self-insure. MACM Insurance Services can assist with this decision by approaching ‘A’ rated companies for either a low-retention program or one that allows the entity to assume more risk with lower fixed costs.
Insurance purchased by hospitals covering their liability for professional acts, errors, or omissions. Hospital Professional Liability coverage is usually written as a package with Commercial General Liability policies to avoid situations in which coverage could apply under either policy.
Physician Regulatory Liability (Billing Errors & Omissions)
Whether it is Medicare billing or HIPAA, enforcement activity for non-compliance is an additional challenge for physician practices. Intentional (and unintentional) over-billing of Medicare and Medicaid is a prime target for federal regulators. Now, rules governing the restricted use of patient information are in place, creating additional liability exposure for healthcare providers. Our Physician Regulatory Liability Insurance provides protection for unintentional over-billing , and the policy includes coverage for defense costs, auditing fees, and civil fines and penalties.
Insurance that protects against RAC audits and HIPAA violations.
Workers' Compensation
Regardless of the size of your staff, MACM Insurance Services can offer you a competitive and flexible Workers’ Compensation product to protect your employees injured on the job. While coverages vary, our companies work hard to ensure your employees are reimbursed for their medical expenses and lost wages and return to work in a timely manner.
Insurance that provides financial and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of their employment.
Physician Professional Liability
Since some physicians require or prefer alternative options for their professional liability needs, MACM Insurance Services has access to over 20 companies currently writing business in Mississippi. We will work with you to determine your needs and propose a solution for you.
Insurance that protects physicians against alleged errors or omissions while treating patients.
Business Owners Policy (BOP)
The Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) combines commercial property, business equipment, and general liability coverage into one package policy. BOP policies are designed to help small businesses and clinics protect against claims involving bodily injury sustained on your premises, stolen or damaged property, personal and advertising injury, and more.
In addition, with a BOP policy, we can combine your commercial auto with the policy to receive a multi-policy discount.
Insurance that provides both property and liability coverage for small businesses and clinics.
Cyber Liability Protection
The fastest growing liability exposure in the healthcare industry is cyber liability. Our comprehensive solution provides standard coverage for breach response, customer notification, and business interruption. The policy even indemnifies you for any regulatory fines and penalties assessed during an investigation. So, don’t let an accidental data breach or a computer hacker close your doors. Allow MACM Insurance Services to help protect you.
Insurance that covers losses that may occur when a business’s electronic activities result in a breach of data.
The information contained herein is for general purposes only without any warranties of any kind. This information does not alter or expand any available coverages. If interested in a particular product, you should contact MACM Insurance Services, Inc. to determine whether that product is available and to request a copy of the applicable policy or other documents for a complete description of the product.